Highend Appliance Repair > Washer Repair Service in San Jose, CA

Washer Repair Service in San Jose, CA

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Local company providing washer repair services

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The most reasonable prices in San Jose and Bay Area (California)

Washer Troubleshooting

Certified technician experts and 180-day warranty for our work

Reliable and Prompt Washing Machine Repair in San Jose and Bay Area, California

The use of washing machines saves the time of a modern person, so we understand how important it is to keep the appliance in working order. Our company employs masters who fix washing machines of different manufacturers. We do our best to fix the washing machine quickly, regardless of the complexity of the repair. To call the master conveniently, contact us or leave a request on the site, and we will call you back to arrange a meeting.

Types of Washers that We Repair

Our washer fixing company will quickly repair semi-automatic, ultrasonic, and automatic machines with front and top-loading, providing a warranty on the work done. We also repair commercial-type washing machines which are actively used in laundries. For regular citizens, repairs are done in-home. It saves the budget on transporting the equipment to and from the service center.

Common Problems with the Washing Machine

Depending on the type of washing machine, the intensity, and conditions of use, there are different breakdowns. The first signal to go to the master should be:

  1. The appearance of strange sounds.
  2. Poor spinning.
  3. Frequent errors in the program.
  4. Problems with filling the water.
  5. Washing mode not completing.
  6. Machine leaks.
  7. Failure to drain water.
  8. The machine buzzes but doesn’t work.

Let’s look at the most common causes of breakdowns that require washing machine repair and an urgent call for a technician.

Problem with the lid switch

The washing machine is equipped with a safety feature that prevents the machine from shaking while the drum is spinning. The switch is located under the lid and is activated the moment the motor is turned on. When closing the lid, the pin begins to rest against the switch, which leads to its short circuit. Therefore, the door will not open during washing. If you do not hear a click when closing the door, the switch is defective and you need washer repair. Otherwise, when you open the door, all the water will pour out. Also, if the lock does not work, the machine may not start the washing cycle.

Noisy washing machine

If the machine makes loud noises, especially when the drum during spinning, it indicates that the bearings are broken. If the repair is not made by a professional, then the chips will soon go inside, the filters will be clogged, and the technique will become inoperable. The noise is also caused by a foreign element caught under the drum. It is necessary to remove it and fix washer which got loose during the operation. The noise is also caused by worn brushes. The exact cause of the suspicious noise is determined by a specialist.

Leaking washing machine

Sometimes you can notice water under the bottom of the washing machine, which means that somewhere there is a leak. Usually, it is enough to check the connection of the hose to the drain riser. During vibration, it could have fallen out. The problem is solved on its own by securing the hose. Check the fitting where the hose is connected to the back of the machine and examine it for damage. Check if the machine is level by using a level. It should not wobble.

The washer won’t drain or fill in the water

If the machine does not draw or fill, check the clog filters. If everything is in order, then the pump is broken. It can also be caused by a low hose, which causes siphoning. Move the hose above the water level and make sure it does not go deep into the riser. You should check if there are no bends in the hose that interfere with the water flow.

Why are We Chosen by Thousands of Californians for Washing Machine Repair in San Jose and Bay Area?

Our company is chosen for the work we do in good faith, as evidenced by our warranty. There is a seal and signature on the document. So if during the warranty period, you have a broken item installed by us again, the company provides the service for free. We stick to competitive prices and try to help our customers as quickly as possible to restore the machine performance.


    Product Types We Service


    1. Leave a Request After you leave a request on the website or by calling +16508702065 the phone assistant will select a repair specialist for you.
    2. Diagnostics and Estimat At the time you choose, a specialist of our company will come to you and carry out diagnostics to draw up an estimate.
    3. Repair Work After agreeing on the cost, the specialist will carry out all the necessary repair work.
    4. Warranty and Recommendations After the completion of the repair and payment, you will receive receipts and warranty documents, and recommendations for using your appliance


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